Business culture
This is how we do things around here
Bright and Parkin, 1997
Companies are not only defined by figures, infrastructure and products. In fact, they are distinguished by its self-concept, its model and the way employees work and communicate with each other.
Capidema emphasize a lot upon the preservation and maintenance of its business culture, since our actions are based upon it. Great goals and challenges require a solid foundation.

Therefore, our principles are clear and path breaking:
- Trust in our employees.
- Maximum independence and assignment of responsibilities.
- Competence advancement and team work
- Authenticity in realizing projects
- Employees who are committed to their work.
- Progressive Innovation
There is no lengthy communication channel here and that helps us in reacting promptly to issues and questions. All functions are linked and as a result tasks are made interesting and diversified in a way that everyone unfolds oneself. Our characteristics are in direct alignment with our employees, a clear complexity, the independence of our functions as well as our team work.
Capidema is fully aware of its responsibility about the future and aims to contribute actively towards it. That is why the development and advancement of young people is an inherent part of our business culture. We cooperate with different universities and offer the possibility of working alongside university or to gain experience during a job placement.
We want to train young people to get the career they want and support them by combining theory and practice. This is how new ideas, methods and developments can be integrated into our processes.